Jurnal At-Tasyri’ Volume III, No 1 Februari – Juli 2011

Abstract The results showed that the reform efforts in the formulation of economic laws of Islam and Islamic law generally coherent approach is fard ‘ayn. By not intend going to negate the method which has been used by scholars, on behalf of our beloved nation benefit deem the proposal would marry fiqh with sociological approaches […]

Mahasiswa/i Hafiz Al-Qur’an, STAI TDM Bebaskan Biaya Kuliah

Gampa, Meulaboh – Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh (TDM) yang kini sedang dalam pengusulan penegerian dan sedang membuka Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SPMB). Pihak STAI membebaskan biaya kuliah kepada calon mahasiwa/i baru yang hafiz Al-Qur’an, pada SPMB tahun ajaran 2014/2015 ada empat(4) mahasiswa/i STAI yang hafiz Quran. Dr Syamsuar Basyariah M. Ag […]

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